Dirty Hands

After church on Sunday Jonesy and I got a few things planted in the garden.  Our neighbor, Tim, had tilled it with a 6 ft. tractor tiller for us a few weeks ago and it’s just been waiting for us to get started.  So far all we put out was onions, radishes and two kinds of lettuce.

Our garden is about 200 ft. from the house and 100×60, so this was just a small part of what we will eventually be planting.


Doesn’t look like much here, but give it a couple of months.

The first thing we do is decide where we want everything then run a string from one end to the other.  To (hopefully) keep the rows straight and the right distance apart for a tiller to get in between.  We will do this with each row.


Then comes the fun part…the actual planting.    

There is just something about putting your hands in the earth, and knowing that in just a few short weeks beautiful little sprouts will show themselves.  That’s always so exciting for me!   I can’t wait to post pictures of that!

I knew next to nothing about gardening when  Jonesy and I got married.  He grew up gardening.  So I always enjoy having his help,  it’s nice time spent working on something together.


When the time comes, we will add tomatoes, green beans, sweet corn, 2 kinds of peppers, cucumbers and maybe zucchini.  We also have blackberry bushes along the fence, a strawberry bed, pear, peach, and apple trees!  Whew!  It’s gunna to be a busy summer of canning and preserving!

But first, I gotta get my hands dirty…

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2 thoughts on “Dirty Hands

  1. Pingback: Life at Crooked Brand Ranch

  2. Pingback: Barefoot Gardening | Life at Crooked Brand Ranch

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